Events and Presentations

Can education bring about sustainable socio-economic change?

“Whoever is unwilling to help himself can be helped by no one.” Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Swiss educator

We are proud to announce Conium Nyathi’s visit to Switzerland. 
Besides meeting stakeholders and future partners, he will be speaking publicly at different venues. Sign up now to ensure a seat!

Meet this exceptional advocate for human rights, youth, especially girl empowerment and environmental issues. Hear him speak about the challenges communities, especially the girl child, are facing and how we find pragmatic, solutions through education to bring about sustainable socio-economic change.

Girls in developing countries are given fewer opportunities in education and the workplace. Youth unemployment leads to poverty, migration, and conflict!
Learn how we educate to counteract brain-drain, the effects of climate change and insufficient waste management and take part in our panel discussions. 

Free entry, donations will reach our students directly.

Make an impact, become a sponsor now and take part in our raffle!

Please note, we’ve made a few changes in our plans to cater to the wishes of our audience. Streams of live events will be opened after the event has started. If you want to join a live stream and discuss online, please join our events on 12 and 20 October.

7 October, 18:00, 22 October 15:00
Zum Hinteren Hecht, Tösstalstr. 2  – Schüür 
(walk through the restaurant, backyard)


8 October, 15:00
Bäckeranlage, Aktionshalle 2, Hohlstrasse 67, 8004 Zürich

9 October, 18:00 
Gemeindehaussaal, Poststrasse 2a, 8755 Ennenda, Glarus


10 October, 18:00 
Stadtbibliothek Aarau, Graben 15, 5000 Aarau

11 October, 18:00 
FREIRÄUME, Vor der Halde (Ecke Hofhalde), 78462 Konstanz, Germany

Online event (formerly Lausanne)
12 October, 18:00
This event will only be online to allow our audience to interact with Conium. 

13 October, 19:00
Scoula Scuol, Bagnera 168, 7550 Scuol


St Moritz
14 October, 15:00 
Youth Hostel, Via Surpunt 60, St Moritz Bad


15 October, 15:00 
Bistrot Vecchio Torche
Entry via roundabout via La Santa
6962 Viganello – Lugano

17 October, 18:30  
Universität Luzern, HS11,  (1. UG), 
Frohburgstrasse 3, 6005 Luzern

18 October, 19:00 
Kornhausbibliothek Bern, Kornhausplatz 18, 3011 Bern

19 October, 18:30
Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersgraben 50, 4051 Basel

LinkedIn live
20 October, 18:00
This event will only be online to allow our audience to interact with Conium. 

St Gallen
21 October, 15:00  
Centrum St. Mangen, Johannes Kessler-Zimmer
, Magnihalden 15, 9004 St. Gallen

22 October 15:00, 
7 October, 18:00
Zum Hinteren Hecht, Tösstalstr. 2  – Schüür 
(walk through the restaurant, backyard)


Geneva & Lausanne
23 October, afternoon
Coffee talks: Contact us
to arrange a coffee meeting

24 October 18:00
PBZ Pestalozzi-Bibliothek 3rd floor
Zähringerstrasse 17, 8022 Zürich 

Would you like to meet us?
Do you you have any questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Make a donation and receive a free high resolution photo download from our international artists (value 25.-).

Buy a piece of art from our art shop and receive a free handmade shampoo-conditioner-shower bar made from certified natural ingredients.

VIP – Donors
– Brigit Koch – CHF 5000.- + tour costs

Project proposal