empowermefirst Zimbabwe - mini-graduation
We make higher education accessible - against all odds!
“When you make education inaccessible you make prosperity only possible for the already prosperous.” Kaya Dlanga
empowermefirst Zimbabwe proudly presents the mini-graduation of our first generation of students in ICT and English. Our students will have studied the first 2 to 3 units and will know the basics in ICT such as computer fundamentals, word processing and internet browsing. In English the will have learned how to write and perform a speech or slam poem and how to write a report.
The first mini-graduation took place on the UN International Day for girls in ICT on 28 April 2022 in Victoria Falls and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, the second one will be on 9 May in Bulawayo. Our students are performing the best speeches and slam poems. Their topic is the theme of this years girls in ICT Day “Access and Safety”. Watch live on our Facebook page and youtube channel. At our graduation you can enjoy a dance performance to our song, written and performed by volunteer Simon Tukei. Take part in our dance competition. We will create a video with the best performances and share your performance on our social media.
Between 14 April and 28 April and 4 to 8 May we also organise our “track & win – move to educate”-event in honour of our founder Anthony Powell and to raise funds for our mini-graduation and our study centres.
Our students need internet, devices, mentoring and local internships. Furthermore, are we raising money for projects that empowers our students and local centres to learn about entrepreneurship and become financially independent through viable business project such as a chicken farm and bamboo bike production.