empowermefirst.college - who we are

We make higher education accessible - against all odds!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela


 We are passionate about people, that’s why we’re passionate about education.

We educate to understand, we educate to innovate, we educate to improve society, to fight climate change and inequality, to tackle challenges with waste management and health issues, we educate because we’re passionate about people.

empowermefirst.college is registered in Switzerland as “Gönnerverein von empowermefirst.college” (Commercial registration number: CHE-333.933.822)
To be able to reach as many beneficiaries as possible even without funding, we have become a global movement of likeminded people who volunteer as instructional designers, coaches and in partnerships. 

In Zimbabwe our subsidiary “empowermefirst Zimbabwe” is creating partnerships for infrastructure, local accreditation and internships, providing centres for students to meet their coaches and access internet and ensures a smooth running of local operations.