empowermefirst.college - together we educate.
We make higher education accessible - against all odds!
The current learning crisis asks for urgent help. When charities and NGOs join forces, they can reach more, achieve more.
Work with us to educate future generations!
partner with us - educate now!
— Fight poverty
Many youths leave school to feed their families. Upper secondary schools are too far away and often education is too expensive.
Together we bring education to those, who can’t go to school. With us they can work and still educate themselves to leave poverty behind, as according to the World Bank “there’s a 9% increase in hourly earnings for one extra year of schooling”.
All they need is a mobile phone.
— Education poverty
Together we offer methodology to teachers and learning materials students can relate to, that catch their curiosity. We coach them to find find their own learning strategies and develop their own approaches to solving problems, completing projects and building global networks to collaborate on their research and innovation.
— Sustainability
— Equality
“While only 4% of the poorest youth complete upper secondary school in low-income countries, 36% of the richest do.” UNESCO
This inequality is even greater when including gender, race, religion, physical challenges and many more.
Affordable education which students can access anytime and anywhere will overcome these challenges
— Work together
— Stories
Change the world of education for millions and change the stories for the world!
Let us share our stories to our audience to receive more support!
These are just a few thoughts. Let’s discuss ideas and mutual interests!